
  • Harmony Desktop v1.8.4.2

    Harmony Desktop v 1.8.4.X will operate on PC's running Windows 7, Windows 8.1 and Windows 10. Harmony Desktop v 1.8.4.X integrates with both 32 and 64 bit versions of Office 2013 & 2016.

    Harmony Desktop v 1.8.4.X supports the SSH2 protocol

  • Harmony Document Viewer v1.3

    While Harmony is seamlessly integrated with PDF, Document Viewer is a light weight viewer created specifically for Harmony.

  • ODBC Drivers

    ODBC drivers. Once installed onto your Windows machine, can connect to your Harmony database for data extraction. Intallation and setup instruction may be required from either Helpdesk or your CRM. Please note, large data extraction or reporting with multiple joins, may slow your server down if run during business hours..